Today I sorted through print outs of market ideas and contests. I highlighted the deadlines and organized the subjects according to genre and topic. My bed held the stacks as I sorted and cleaned out my writing briefcase. I felt like a regular neat freak for a minute or two. But not for long. I spilled the stacks on the floor and had to re-do them. This time I grabbed some paper clips and attached them to the upper left hand corners to secure them. At least if they slide off the bedspread they will fall into organized piles/ tiles.
It took me about thirty minutes to complete the purge but I felt good when I finished. Clean up is necessary from time to time.
After doing this, I worked on writing a mission statement for a non-profit organization, finished that and sent it off to email-land. I took a little break to read JoJo's FIMMology 101 book. (Foot In Mouth Man is a humorous character who thrives or fails to thrive on miscommunication.) I had a great chuckle and my kids came around the corner to see what their crazy mama was laughing about now. (I laugh out of the blue at thoughts, things I read, etc. so it is not new for them to hear me laughing, they just don't like missing out on the fun and of course I always oblige.) Instead of finding me in front of the computer watching a YouTube Christian comedy routine, they discovered me with booklet in hand and tears streaming down my cheeks. I explained about FIMM and told them that books like this are going to be included in their English classes next school year. They smiled like Cheshire cats.
After the dust settled, I sat on my cleared-off bed with laptop balancing on a tray on my knees. I was overjoyed to discover an email from a Bible curriculum creator. She was very helpful and offered me some choices on which products I desire to review. In one to two weeks, I will receive copies to use and write up information on. (This is done under my role as an independent contractor with The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Homeschool Crew.) Stick around. I will post the reviews on my Leaders in Learning blog in a few weeks here:
Of course, tonight I am blessed with some insomnia so I've put it to good use by finishing some reading and writing but I can't stay up too late. It's my twelfth wedding anniversary. I don't want bags under my eyes. (Not that we can afford to go anywhere, LOL.)
Hubby is to work during the day and I will be my mama-self, but trying to squeeze in some calls to the doctor's offices as well. I have been absent from this blog for a few days because of feeling so under the weather that I could not think or type. I'll keep you posted if I have any big news.
Meanwhile on the writing front, I will spend some of my spare time as "office hours" tomorrow and work on that file of market opportunities or else the new book idea I came up with recently. If I'm not able, I will be using the time to work on off screen parts of writing--research. I've recently met individuals who have knowledge of things I need to research. I'll be visiting their web pages and looking at their materials for any helpful input for the book.
Many of you are reading this in broad daylight. I wish you a beautiful day. Thank you for putting up with my Writing Rambling today. It seemed fitting that I should do this once in a while. Plus anything sounds good at this time of the night. LOL.
Good day, my friends.
Hidup itu ...
3 years ago
Sounds like a productive day even though you weren't feeling well.
I'm tickled you enjoyed FIMMology 101 so much! Did you see his latest episode on my site. I write for him once a month now.
God always uses my insomnia. Some of my most creative work comes at 3am!
I thought of you when reading it. Thanks, JoJo.
You are a working writing machine! It is wonderful to see and hear all you are doing!
I think I figured out how to leave a comment on this blog - Yay!! Now I'm working on the other one :)
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