Dear God,
This past week or so was full of many surprises both good and tough and I did not have the opportunity to write much. However, my head is full of thoughts so I've not quit simply because I'm behind in the game.
NaNoWriMo has felt more like "Nah! No Write No Mo" this week but I've come up with a plan. It's a little tool I used to employ when I was plagued with arthur-write-us due to Lupus; it's called "Dragon Naturally Speaking". Heaven knows I can talk a mile a minute to someone I know very well and since I've been known to talk to myself and I know myself well, I think together we can make this happen.
Oh, God. I'm glad You have a sense of humor and that You seem to let my dreams play Hide and Seek with me. I'm also thankful that You keep life running so fast and full that I have so much about which to write. Maybe You want me not to be so serious and to use this over-tired brain to write comedy. It seems to be all that I can muster these days. So, well, I'm in for the ride.
Maybe I will write a comedy mystery romance how-to sci-fi novel with a twist of historical fiction. Ya, that oughta do it. Then I can enter it in every contest I find online so that I can once again receive the familiar rejection letters I used to see so often. You know how much I need my daily dose of rejection. But You--You love me no matter how many words I write or how novel my ideas sound and You--You already know my heart so that when I am too tired to make any sense, You have heard my prayer and answered before I have even spoken a whisper of it.
Thank You, Father for loving little ol' writer-me and showing me that I am not what I do but who You made me, a person made in Your image. Though I can only see the me that is still in the depths of the molding process, in Your eyes, I am a masterpiece. Thank You.
Now I ask that You allow me to see the world through Your eyes enough to know what Your plan is for my writing, whether it be to write a novel, an article, steady chatter for my companions or some brilliant work of words that touches a million hearts. I give this gift that You have given me back to You for Your use, Your goals, Your purpose and for Your glory.
In Jesus' Name,
Hidup itu ...
3 years ago
I know all too well how life can get in the way of one's writing. But I found a great technique that I believe you hit on in this post. I write what I'm inspired to write. I know it sounds simple, but it sparks a great deal of inspiration. When I was unable to finish a particular book, I'd realize that I was inspired to write an article or a poem or a blogpost or a few one liners. THat's how JoJoisms were born. That kept me writing, inspired me to continue creating and helped me get some of the things the Lord put in my heart down on paper (or rather, computer) and into the audience for which it was written. Eventually I felt inspired to either finish that book or write another one. Sometimes what God leads us to write isn't what you think you should write, isn't what you think will sell or even be accepted, but it IS what God directs and so I do it.
Your blog postings are very kind of you to allow another to peek into your relationship with God.
Here's just a thought......"A writer writes.....when pen touches paper or not, a writer is always writing......novels form in our visions before they fulfill our dreams.
Keep on writing. And when you have a minute come visit my blog where you will be most welcome.
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