Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Big Blue Screen of Death
Friday, November 13, 2009
Rather Be Writing Reviews JoJo Tabares' "Language of Leadership" Course
After a mutual friend introduced us, I joined a yahoo group that was hers at the time-- Homeschooling With Humor. During this time, I participated in some contests. This gave me the opportunity to view samples of her books such as: Say What You Mean for Kids, FIMMology101-The Study of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouth and samples from her online articles. Later, after I became a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew, I read another one of her ebooks, Play What You Mean, the Playbook as recommended by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine (a publication with which I contract to write product reviews on my Leaders in Learning Blog). In addition, I read articles by her that were published in TOS magazine.
Over time, I came to believe that JoJo is the #1 Communication Guru for business, Christian apologetics, homeschooling, education, public speaking, career advancement and many more avenues of daily communication. Her products are highly educational and a great bargain. She is very generous. In fact, she has given away many things during the years of her ministry. Additionally, her materials are very affordable. Right now, she has a contest going on that offers readers a chance to win a bundle of products worth $350, including a number of her own courses.
Topics covered are: the definition of leadership--what it is and is not, the importance of communication skills for leaders, how to present yourself for success, a leader’s body language, using leadership words, how to deal with a confidence deficiency, direct sales leadership, accuracy, influencing others, leading your children, “How to Unbossy Yourself” and so much more!
The course contains resources for leaders in business but also many tips for youth leaders, church workers, homeschool leaders and aspiring leaders of all kinds. You will find other leadership gurus out there but JoJo’s books come from the communication aspect, which is very important if you understand its relevance to success in any area of life.
I appreciate the factor that her courses reference moral truths. Every page contains leadership skills that are necessary detailing how a lack of them can cause the downfall of both the leader and his or her followers. Relatable Bible characters or instruction from the Bible are used to demonstrate this, as well as historical figures and fictional characters.
Interwoven with that are wise advice and helpful hints for communication in leadership. I especially recommend the clickable links to her Communication Assessment Quiz and What’s Your Communication Personality? My favorite chapters in the ebook are “Chapter 7, Them’s Powerful Leadership Words” and “Chapter 11, How to Communicate Confidently Even When You’re Not.”
In addition, there is an accompanying audio course that links to the Art of Eloquence Online University. When you take the online course, you will receive a secret link to the weekly audio podcast that complements the ebook lessons. You don’t have to have the ebook to take the online course but they do work nicely together. New broadcasts open every Monday with a use-on-demand availability. This means you can take this course during the day or when your children are sleeping-whatever fits your schedule.
JoJo’s friendly and entertaining approach is unlike any other online course I’ve ever taken !
Using humor and an authoritative but approachable style, she shares tips and expounds on leadership.
Both the online and written course are excellent resources for learning communication skills needed in leadership. I recommend them to people who think they don’t have leadership skills or are afraid to use the skills they already possess and I feel these courses could be even more important for people who think they have mastered the topic but feel like they getting nowhere with their business or other endeavor.
After taking this course, you will have learned many tricks to boost your confidence and expertise in leadership. You will have learned to how to be a leader that people want to follow.
The ebook costs $24.95 for individuals and families. Even better, sign up for the online course and receive both the ebook and the audio classes to take better advantage of learning about Leadership. There is NO shipping and handling charge since your course is delivered via the web and email.
You may also join the online university to have unlimited access to this and other online courses. What a bargain to join her university at $29.95! Then you pay one flat fee per class title and you can attend for as long as you desire to take classes. The cost covers everyone in your household and more classes are being added ALL the time.
To view samples and read all her awesome articles, visit this link:
Don't forget to buy a copy of Language of Leadership for your teen, family member, friend or anyone else who wants to learn leadership skills.
While you’re there, feel free to load your cart with some great items and then read how you can enter to win a prize bundle worth $350.00. You only have until the end of the year to enter, so hurry on over to Art of Eloquence now!
This is not a TOS review, but the eproducts of Art of Eloquence are endorsed by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and many of JoJo's customers and in my book, AOE receives a Two Thumbs up rating.
To learn more about what AOE offers, visit:
To hear her weekly podcasts, click on the TalkShoe link in the sidebar of my blogs. Thank you for reading my review of JoJo's Language of Leadership Course.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Writer's Wishlist
Monday, November 9, 2009
Write Sa Lot
What do writers write about anyway? The answer is "Write what you know."
If my family and I embark on a great adventure, the story ends up racing across my computer screen. If I'm present when the sun ducks behind a cotton candy swirl, I'm inspired and a poem ensues. When the sun peeks out again and glistens a kaleidoscope of colors in prisms on the wall or on the nearby lake, somehow it makes it's way also into a rainbow of words on my page.
Then there are the less glamorous subjects--like the daily grind of life. I write it down. I will probably also write about a new venture in becoming a health and wellness consultant. If I do, it will be on my Leaders In Learning blog and you may hear all kinds of useful facts that you never thought about -lucky you (tongue in cheek).
For me writing is a catharsis but for you, it's a pretty raw look at my thinking, too, so only the brave may venture onto my blogs. I'm not good at poker faces in person or in writing. It all comes out.
There are different reasons for writing. We all have them. We write for therapy or to express a valuable opinion. We write to persuade or entertain. We write to build a career or to build a following of readers with which to fellowship. We write just to write because it's fun and energizing. We write about everything.
Writers write because they love to. A few make money doing so. Some day, I hope to make the big bucks with this favorite occupation of mine but for now, I will make money as the opportunities arise and I will simply enjoy writing and share a laugh or two when I find one. Like this government page that told what average and lowest paid writers earn yearly. I laughed my head off at it. Let me know what you think. See also if you find any redunancy in this article. It's something I'm really good at. Maybe the government will pay me to write something like this for their site.
At least I have something to look forward to. Until then, happy tales to you until we write again.
Monday, November 2, 2009
I ran into a lady who works for a local newspaper. We met at a Harvest Festival the other day and she encouraged me to take a leap of faith and look for another at-home writing job. The jobs I have done lately in the writing field have been re-reimbursed in products rather than money or have been done on a volunteer basis to help a cause. I don't mind giving of myself to others. This has been wonderful BUT I need to make money, too. It would be great if I could write and make money doing it! Writing is what I love to do and what I feel that I've been gifted to do. I know it takes time to make money. I will not give up but I can't hold out for the money I will make with writing later. I go. I'm going to take a chance.
Please pray for me that I will find just the right opportunity and that I will not give up hope through it all. I know many writers are struggling right now financially. So are a vast majority of people in other careers. I pray that we may not lose faith or hope through it all.
This reminds me of a song. Here it is. It's an oldie but goodie. It's called "Through It All." I hope it blesses you too.
Here's another great new one with a similar message.
No matter what, if you feel that writing is your calling or vocation, don't give up. Let's encourage each other along the way. Through it all, we can learn to trust God to bring us into our promised land.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday Prayer
Thank You for dying on the cross for my sin.
Thank You for bringing new life deep within.
I long so to please You in all that I do.
So come, Lord, abide in me and I in You.
Everyday, I will open my heart and my ears
To listen to Your Word. Speak softly but clear.
I'll worship, walk close with You, stay by Your side.
Lord, please come and dwell in me. Come be my Guide.
Your daughter
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Characters from The Real World
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Writing From the Shadows
Monday, October 19, 2009
What Are the Words?
Okay, it's rather silly but you get the point. All of us get writer's block from time to time or we wish that we did so we didn't write something that ridiculous. Hey! Don't knock it. Dr. Seuss made a living from writing the likes of such nonsense!
My point? Christians and non-christian writers alike suffer from this ailment. How do you overcome this as a writer? Usually if I am unable to write, it is because I'm either too tired or too busy and can't slow down enough to formulate the words.
If that is the case, I take a break and do something fun (though I have to admit to being a little deficient in the fun-activity-finding category). After a brief enjoyable retreat I come back--relaxed enough to write.
If it is because I am too tired, then heaven help us! I am going to write something goofy. Some of my best writing has come when I had writer's block and just wrote whatever crazy thing came to mind. Other times, the product made a flight across the desk into the circular file.
Sometimes, spending a little extra time in prayer helps me bring to mind a spiritual truth or a new direction for my writing. I always ask the Lord to help me to write for Him. I figure that if I've done that and still have nothing to say, then I might be better off saying nothing at all.
Let's here some of your ideas. How do you cure writer's block?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Write Stuff-His Words Through Our Words
Here is what His Word is to us.
Lord, make our words breathe life and bring light to our readers as well. Let us follow in your example. Use our words to bless our readers in this same way.
1. Make our words a lamp to light the way. Psalm 119: 105, 140 "Your Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our pathway...Your Word is very pure..."
2. Let our words cleanse. John 15:3 "Now you are clean through the words which I have spoken unto you."
3. Make us mighty in word and deed. Luke 24:19b "...Jesus of Nazareth...mighty in deed and word before God and all the people."
4. Let Your Word dwell in us that it may come forth in our words and go forth with power and blessings. Colossians 3:16a "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly...."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Wield Your Words Wisely
Ecclesiastes 12:10-12 says, "The Teacher searched to find just the right words and what he wrote was upright and true. The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails--given by one Shepherd. Be warned, my son of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end and much study wearies the body."
Here, Solomon was not trying to say that it is a waste of time to write or study. If you read the passage, you will see that the focus is on making sure that your words and actions are guided by the Lord and that they are true to the Word.
Writers are a dime a dozen these days. Godly and good writers are not as plenteous. Mankind has a great deal to say-some of which is pure babble and of others, pure wisdom. Solomon reminds us that "... God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing whether it is good or evil."
I saw this quote on a fellow writer's blog. TIMES ARE BAD. CHILDREN NO LONGER OBEY THEIR PARENTS AND EVERYONE IS WRITING A BOOK. ~ Cicero, 53 B.C.E. (Written so long ago but so apropos).
Lest you run away discouraged, listen to this: Isaiah 50:4, "The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught..." These words are Messianic prophecy but I think that they can encourage us as well to know that we who have the mind of Christ can be instructed of the Lord in what to write so that we may give sustenance to the weary, rejoice with those who rejoice, and teach truth and wisdom to the simple.
Not everything we write as Christians is inspirational or devotional. Some is entertainment, amusement, or catharsis. In all of this, God can use our words to touch the heart of another and speak His truth--yes, even through humor. All of these types of writing have a place in the world. The Christian writer is unique in that he or she can use any of them to weave in a mesh of truth which nails the truth deep in a reader's heart.
Sometimes, we get discouraged from a professional standpoint. The writing business boils down to sales at times. Sales are "feast or famine". In the dry times, we wonder if writing these words is really worth all the effort. I'm here to say to myself and others that "Yes! It will be worth it all when we see God using our words, even the words that we give out for free on our blogs and newsletters. None of it is a waste of time.
I pray that you and I will remember that we are not the ones holding the power of our words. If we exercise ourselves in skillful practice and open our ears to the guidance of God, He will make them like arrows carrying the message that our readers need to hear.
NOTE to our readers: I am not saying that we are as inspired as the Holy Bible; what I am saying is that God can speak to and through us as Christians who love to wield our words and His Words. That is what makes us inspirational writers.
A prayer for our readers:
Give us wisdom.
Unveil our eyes.
I nspire our ideas.
D irect our steps.
O verpower our fears.
U nwrap our dreams and
R epackage them how You desire.
W hen we're weary
O nly in You can we...
R enew our strength and
Friday, October 2, 2009
Is the Shepherd in the Driver's Seat?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dr. Wordweilder Wonders
It has come to my attention that very few are actually answering the examination questions on this web log and so, I would like to ask a few simple questions to determine if I am gearing my tests to the general audience age and ability levels or whether I shall need to adjust the questions accordingly. What is it that Ms. JoJo Tabares says on her show? Oh, yes! "Know your audience." I affirm the veracity of that principle.
So, today before I post our usual questions, let me post the following questions. Perhaps this will provoke some new or returning readers to take a chance on answering for the first time.
You may feel free to either answer via the comment box at the end of this post or email Ms. BeckyJoie at . Mark the subject line "Dr. William Wordwielder's Survey," please. Another way you can contact me is to write to: RATHER BE WRITING, P.O. Box 1183, Tavares, FL 32778-1183. Address the letter inside to Dr. William Wordwielder c/o BeckyJoie. Thank you.
Answer the following questions either in a comment or a three by five card.
1. What age category are you in?
2. Which part of my weekly posts do you enjoy the most?
3. What types of writing do you wish to hear more instruction about?
4. In what state or country are you located?
5. What do you find the most challenging about writing and language?
6. What do you find the most interesting about writing and language?
Since I have asked you so many extra questions, I shall only ask two of our usual exam questions in the event that I might have some participants who wish to answer both sets of questions.
Here they are:
1.Hectic or Helpful Homonyms. Select the correct homonym. They are hectic when used improperly and helpful when fitly used.
THIS WEEK'S HOMONYM: The library aide climbed the ___________ a. ladder or b. latter (choose one) to retrieve Webster's Collegiate Dictionary from the top shelf in the resource room.
THIS WEEK'S IDIOM QUESTION: Because Wilbur wanted to be popular, he competed to prove he could do as well as anybody else in everything he did. Unfortunately, his_____________________ a. one track mind or b. one-upmanship (choose one) backfired on him and he lost all of his friends.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Old Grooves and New Moves
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Author of the Most Important Words
Please watch it when you have some time. Thank you.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Dr. Wordweilder's Communcation Carol
I would also like to give a word of appreciation to Ms. JoJo Tabares, a regular web log commenter here at Rather Be Writing. Not only does she ace the examinations the majority of the time but also she is owed gratitude for offering her talk show contest participants a copy of her book, FIMMology 101, the FIMMportant and Funbelievable Study of the Humorous Sins of the Mouth. Ms. BeckyJoie participated in the game show that Ms. JoJo held at Communication Comedy Network and just for participating, won a free copy of the ebook.
I must admit to difficulty adjusting to the idea of a book that is read in an electronic format. I made it apparent to Ms. BeckyJoie who then printed it for me to have in hand. She did ask that I return it after a brief look and purchase my own copy so as not to infringe on copyright laws. (You can do the same by clicking on the side link of this blog that is titled Communication FUNdamentals.) Ms.BeckyJoie has spoken to me of its superiority for applying humor to teach appropriate communication skills. It was her thought that I might be interested in using it at the university. And that, I just might. Nevertheless, I would like to provide you with a brief review of FIMMOLOGY 101.
First of all, Mr. FIMM has a very handsome name—Franklin Ignatius McMiller Possible but he soon earned the nickname of FIMM, the Foot in Mouth Man. I shan’t spoil the story by divulging too many details but suffice it to say that FIMM has a reputation like none other.
After a brief introduction, the ebook takes the reader along on a ride similar to that which Charles Dickens’ character, Ebenezer Scrooge, took with the spirits of Christmas past, present and future. The author, Ms. Communicator (JoJo) herself took me on a tour of FIMM’s many faux pas from birth to his mature years.
First, FIMM loses his source of employment at Balfurd Cleaners because of appearing to have a dirty mouth. (Never you fret, my friends, things are not always as they appear. After a bit, we discover that all that does not glitter on his sign is not fifth, but some poorly placed words. )
After this, FIMM cleans up for a job interview and makes his resume elaborate. In fact, he elaborates so much that I sincerely doubt that the manager receiving his resume has any questions whatsoever to ask him.
FIMM does eventually obtain employment but not without contorting like a yogi first (Foot In Mouth). I must say that I agree with Ms. BeckyJoie’s husband, Douglas, who believes that FIMM must have chocolate feet. He is always inserting them into his mouth.
Next, FIMM finds himself in a mite of legal trouble but manages to fudge his way out of it—barely—and just in time to change residences. First, though, he has to sell his dog without scaring off all the neighborhood children. A dog like his would not be allowed in his new place of abode.
The ebook shares quite a variety of snapshots of FIMM’s life from his single adulthood to dating dilemmas and church volunteer work, right up through his marriage, even giving a glimpse of the family man that FIMM has always wanted to be. This is where I find FIMM most relatable.
I’ve been a bachelor all these many years and must confess that I do so long for holidays with loved ones as FIMM finally finds. His many years of searching were eventually satisfied, which is more than I could say for myself who I think an old codger set in my ways. (I determined an eon ago that I would settle for nothing but the best. Being married to a poor communicator would be the bane of my existence. But the woman of my dreams is a figment of my imagination, I suppose. Why, she would be lovely and well spoken, a bit more flamboyant than I, since I’m what many might consider to be a boring professor.
She must bring a little spark of color and comfort to the home and yet, still accommodate my stacks of research without resenting the small areas of clutter. I am neat nick for the most part. My books are alphabetized, my closet already arranged by color and my shoes lined in neat rows on the floor beneath the hanging clothes. But my library—well, it is clean and orderly other than banquet tables assigned with works in progress, and, of course, some of the books that I consult on a frequent basis never make it back onto the dusty bookshelves. And the Mrs.—well, she would need to turn a deaf ear to my external processing of information during research AND to the oral reading of my own manuscripts. I’ve heard that one ought to read his or her own manuscripts aloud in order to make sure the flow is natural for the reader or for dialogue.)
Well, here I go again on a rabbit trail. It’s just that I feel in my heart that my future wife is out there, somewhere wandering and looking for her soul mate but cannot find me because I am buried deeply in my work. Not many women turn my head. But one, a red head I think, wearing a velvet hat and gloves breezed past me one day when I was at the booksellers establishment looking over a published magazine article of mine. Her voice sent shivers down my spine and I had to raise my head to see whom this eloquent and elegant lady might be. But like an angel, she was gone in an instant, as if appearing with an iridescent corona and then vanishing into thin air. She had a familiar accent, as if I had known her in another time and another place and yet she was estranged from me.
My friends, please accept my sincere apologies. It appears that I have been sidetracked by a daydream once again. My intention is neither to gain sympathy nor to lead you to conclude that I am unhappy as a single adult. No, it is merely that I have found FIMM relatable and sympathize with his years of “single-itude” . I shall have to pay closer attention to how he overcame this malady (though I think singlehood a gift at times).
Alas, you shall have to purchase a copy of his adventures at Ms. JoJo’s website at Art of Eloquence, in order to read about his travels on the road of life. His story has been told and continues. My biography is yet to be written, even at this age. I’m a youth at heart-at least like a youth who lived in the fifties. Anyway, you didn’t come to hear all that; you have come to take the examination.
I decided to assist readers in winning a prize by giving some them options for participating in the quiz. In a few weeks, there will be a prize for the most faithful examinee. There will also be an award for all those who participate. Return again for the next four weeks to join in and have a chance to win the prize. The winner will not only receive a free blog or business advertisement on Ms. BeckyJoie’s blog, but also a small token of appreciation that writers and word-lovers of all kinds will enjoy.
I am certain that you will want to take up the pen and begin now so here are this week’s questions. Don’t forget to leave blog comments.
1.Hectic or Helpful Homonyms. Select the correct homonym. They are hectic when used improperly and helpful when fitly used.
THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: The students who wish to attend my lectures but live too far away may send (a. Correspondents OR b. Correspondence) along with a SASE requesting the lessons be sent to them weekly.
2. Ideal or Idiotic Idioms. One feels like an idiot unless he or she uses these idioms correctly.
THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: The young man who “cried wolf” too many times could not get anyone to believe him when he was in real trouble demonstrates that:
(a. Chickens always come home to roost OR b. he was a cold fish.)
3. Wise or Wacky Words. Sometimes I shall share a wise word for your use. At other times, it shall be a strange or wacky word that you, the readers shall help to define.
THIS WEEK'S WORD. This word is of Yiddish Origin. Glitch or Glitsh. Usage. A well-prepared lesson and presentation should proceed without a glitch.
This word means to “skip” or “nose dive”. Americans have adapted this word into everyday vocabulary.
4. Comical or Cute Coinage. Step one. Terms that I find cute or comical. Step two; you share a word that you find fitting in either category as well. We shall sharpen each other’s intellect.
THIS WEEK'S WORD. Inblogtrinated. The act of being persuaded that social media is an excellent means of communicating ideas and promoting business. USAGE: Though I prefer to write with pen and notepaper or an old fashioned typewriter, I’ve become inblogtrinated into the modern ways of writing and publishing.
5. Spelling Slips. This shall include words that are commonly misspelled. You will need to select the correct spelling.
THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: The children’s church song lyrics for “I’m in the Lord’s Army” say that “I may never ride in a (a. calvary OR b. cavalry.)”
6. Pun Fun. Here I shall share a pun and I would like you to share one also.
THIS WEEK'S PUN-LINER. If you dispose of an old chalkboard sponge are you ex-sponging (expunging)?
Send in your puns, coined phrases and answers to the exam. Ms. JoJo’s friend, FIM uses some great puns. For instance, he frequently catches athlete’s tongue by sticking his foot in his mouth. Let’s see if you can send in some puns this week.
In fact, I’m going to make it easy for you all this week and allow you to choose two of these questions to answer on this week’s examination. I shall extend free credit for the unanswered questions if a new quizzer will answer only two of the questions. I shall look forward to reading your witty answers very soon.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Superior Scribbler Award

Now it is my turn to nominate people. Here are the rules:
The Super Scribbler
1. Each Superior Scribbler, must in turn, pass the Award on to 5 most-deserving bloggy buds.
2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author and name of the blog from whom he/she has received the Award.
3. Each Superior Scribbler must display the Award on his/her blog and link to this post which explains the Award.
4. Each blogger who wins the Award must visit this post and add his or her name to the Mr. Linky List at the Scholastic-Scribe's blog. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who wins this prestigious Award!
5. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
Here are my nominations.
1. JoJo Tabares at Her purple blog won the "Kreativ Blogger" award last week but she is better known for her Christian ministries and business at Art of Eloquence and Communication Comedy Network, a weekly blogcast of comedic proportions based on communication. You can listen to her very funny show on Thursdays weekly at:
2. Terri Tiffany also won a "Kreativ Blogger" Award last week on her personal blog but this week, the credit goes out to her for another blog that is always packed with market leads and great ideas for Christian writers in her Clermont Christian Writers Group (of which I'm blessed to hold membership. )
3. Olivia from Inspired By Grace, She always has amazing photos, heartfelt, inspiring words and poetry. Be sure to check out her professional photography page as well. She is an award winner. Anyone can also see that she is a genuine Christian!
4. Of course, I would re-nominate Rebecca who referred me, even though she has had two nominations already. See the link above. She has the amazing ability to carry on writing about the same topic for days and keep it interesting and educational. Great job, Rebecca, and thanks also for nominating me. :>)
5. Last but not least is Ray Thombs. He is a songwriter/singer turned blogger. He writes short and concise blogs but there is always something good in the posts. Check out his website and blog. (Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage for the blog link or listen to the lyrics he wrote on his main page-he has some mystery woven through here and there that one must ask him about to find the full meaning. It's "evoktional" as he puts it.)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Dr. Wordwielder's Wise Warnings
Your assignment shall be to read the instructions and answer the question that correlates to it below. Put your answers either here or on your own weblog and create a link back to this examination so that others may see your skillful and well-thought answers.
1.Hectic or Helpful Homonyms. Select the correct homonym. They are hectic when used improperly and helpful when fitly used.
2. Ideal or Idiotic Idioms. One feels like an idiot unless he or she uses these idioms correctly.
6. Pun Fun. Here I shall share a pun and I would like you to share one also.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Blog Awards
I would like to thank my friend over at for nominating me for this award. I was quite surprised to receive it and consider it an honor to be chosen as a creative blogger. I hope that Rather Be Writing is a blessing to you and your family as a resource for entertainment, education in writing and grammar as well as encouragement as a writer and/or Christian business person. I, too, have been inspired by a few creative bloggers/writers and would like to nominate seven more people to receive this award. I have not chosen randomly but for my faith and gratitude to these people for being either high quality writers or inspirational bloggers. Some of my nominees fit both categories. All are highly creative people who I respect and admire.
Here are my choices to nominate for the Kreativ Blogger award (Sorry, I just have to add that I'm a really bothered by the spelling of the award. I'm a bit OCD I suppose.) Anyway, here they are, not in any particular order.
1. Terri Tiffany. http://http// Terri is an excellent writer who inspires me in so many ways. A many time published writer, her stories have been in Chicken Soup for the Soul and several other anthologies and Sunday School publications. She is also a great friend who I have mentioned several times on my blog. Terri's creativity shines through in her topics and the way she interacts/provokes comments on her blog. Kudos, Terri!
2. Next is Dawn Gregg, of Attaching Hearts. Her blog was one of the first and best blogs I found of Christian parents of adoptive children with Reactive Attachment Disorder. Whenever I need some encouragement, I just go to her page and the music and posts lift me up. One of the creative things she does is to take pictures of heart shapes that she finds and post them as signs of God's love to us. I love it! Dawn, you're a creative blogger. I admire you!
3. The next one is my friend, Debbie Hannan, who is a strong woman who knows how to nurture the people around her and she writes about it in the most unique ways--so transparent yet mysterious. Debi, you are also a great writer! You have a gift. Your blog is not just a way for you to document your healing process. I think you have a book in you. You are a shining star!
4. Of course, I cannot leave out JoJo Tabares, who is one of the most creative blogger-writers I know! I love all of her websites and products but this one takes the cake. Congratulations, Purple Princess! You are tops on creativity! (Hugs, Purple Power and all that Purple Jazz!)
5. My dear friend, Gidget Blunt is another creative blogger who writes in a way that I wish I could-concise. She is also a fellow TOS Crewmember who reviews products for vendors who have an agreement with The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. She writes about this, that and everything and is certainly one of my favorite creative bloggers and the name of her blog fits. She is a gem! Garden of Gems.
6. Next, is Tiffany at Hillside Hollow. Talk about creative! She makes new jeans out of old ones, creates unique recipes, blogs about lapbooking, sports, outdoor adventures, homeschooling, chocolate and a myriad of other topics. She always has eye-pleasing layouts and is apparently more tech savvy than I because she can always get her photos to line up perfectly and even wraps the text around it with textboxes for the outline of the words. Did I mention, I adore her? Tiffany, you are definitely a creative blogger!
7. Last, but not least, is a friend I am just getting to know. She is part of our homeschooling group and is also an adoptive parent. I "met" her via the web after some kind ladies from the group told me I should connect with her because we had some commonalities in our lives. She was a great help to me and still is. Her blog is very, very interesting and she writes tactfully about incredibly unique experiences, even some I would be too shy to discuss with my close friends if they were my experiences! (And I'm not shy in most people's opinions.) Melissa is a wonderful, organized person who is very creative in her blogging. I always look forward to seeing what new thing she is going to write about! So, Melissa, you are my 7th and final nominee.
Here are the rules for the award (and I quote):
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
OKAY: so here are my seven things that you might find interesting about me:
1. I grew up in a family that sang and performed music, puppetry, ventriloquism and traveled across the New England States under the name, Victory Messengers. We also had a small television program.
2. I have taken acting classes and love performing arts. I met my husband while we were teamed up as singing/dancing partners in a musical at Family Life Ministries in Bath, NY where he worked.
3. I can't dance. But I want to try. I am just afraid to do it in public so I borrowed videos from the library two weeks ago and I'm planning at some point when my schedule eases up to bust a move in my living room. I will first hide all camcorders and digital cameras.
4. I really want a daughter. I'm praying about a situation that might bring one into my life. I'm not pregnant either.
5. My secret desire is to upgrade my education and I want degrees in multiple areas of study: Psychology/Counseling, Secondary Education with concentrations in English and History (I took Elementary Ed prior), Special Education, Music and Journalism. I'm not ambitious at all am I? Maybe I will finish when I'm eighty.
6. I hate to cook, but don't mind baking.
7. I never eat when I'm writing a big project. I'd rather drink my meals or order an I.V. ! My poor family. Good thing hubby cooks. Your turn now.
Answers To Dr. Wordwielder's Wisdom Quiz
2. Under His Wings Womens Center held a vigil for domestic violence survivors; the gentleman brought a candle and attended because he: a. realized that actions speak louder than words OR B. wanted to add fuel to the fire. A. Actions speak louder than words. He certainly would not want to add fuel to the fire.
3. Abecedarian. Define it. Is it: A. one who uses an abacus to teach Mathematics OR B. a beginner or learner of the alphabet? B. An Abecedarian is one who is a beginner or learner of the alphabet.
4. Blogstruck. Being enamored with a topic about which one of your colleagues has posted via a weblog or social media device. Ms. JoJo, I liked your coined word. Thank you for playing.
5. The misspelled word was suppose to be "friend". One would shudder at the thought of having a fiend stick closer than a brother!
6. “When a medical professional starts poking and ribbing you, it is not a good idea to command ‘Cut it out, sir”—the accidental appendectomy patient. Saying cut it out to the doctor is not a wise idea if he is a pun person. One might also end up with a missing organ!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Dr. Wordwielder's Words of Wisdom
I’ve been busy from top to toe with preparations for the new semester at the university. My classes are at an abundance of attendees, which is excellent for the sake of our educational institution in this era of global financial crisis about which we hear ad infinitem. (Regardless of the financial situation, I assume that I shall fare fine with my collection of rare, antique books though I wouldst die a thousand deaths of starvation before parting with them).
Nevertheless, the flurry of life’s whirlwinds shall not prevail this evening as it has in the past week or so. I do believe Ms. Oakes has repaired her technical issues with people who cough too much (hackers). Now I shall deliver my weekly lesson. I would like you also to add a word on an area of English, Grammar or Writing about which you have questions. Then leave your answers in the box marked “comments” and I shall return later to grade them. Thank you so much for your faithful participation. I am delighted to have you in my correspondence class hosted via the Internet.
DIRECTIONS: I shall post one or more of these weekly. Sometimes I shall include them all. You will need to understand the rules and definitions.
1. Hectic or Helpful Homonyms. (Select the correct homonym. .They are hectic when used improperly and helpful when fitly used.)
2. Ideal or Idiotic Idioms. (One feels like an idiot unless he or she uses these idioms correctly.)
3. Wise or Wacky Words. (Sometimes I shall share a wise word for your use. At other times, it shall be a strange or wacky word that you, the readers shall help to define.)
4. Comical or Cute Coinage. (Step one. I share terms that I find cute or comical. Step two, you share a word that you find fitting in either category as well. We shall sharpen each other’s intellect.)
5. Spelling Slips. This shall include words that are commonly misspelled. You will need to select the correct one.
6. Pun Fun. I do relish a bit of dry, English or New Englandish humor. Puns are a way of life for some of Ms. BeckyJoie’s family as well. Here I shall share a pun and I would like you to share one also.
Are you prepared sufficiently to attempt the examination?
Here are the questions. Remember to consult the rules above. Choose the correct answer and post to the blog. Each category is numbered and defined above.
1. Floridians are fond of “yard (a. Sailing OR b. saling)”.
2. Under His Wings Womens Center held a vigil for domestic violence survivors; the gentleman brought a candle and attended because he: a. realized that actions speak louder than words OR B. wanted to add fuel to the fire.
3. Abecedarian. Define it. Is it: A. one who uses an abacus to teach Mathematics OR B. a beginner or learner of the alphabet?
4. Blogstruck. Being enamored with a topic about which one of your colleagues has posted via a weblog or social media device.
5. What is this misspelled word suppose to be? “A Fiend is someone who sticks closer than a brother.”
6. “When a medical professional starts poking and ribbing you, it is not a good idea to command ‘Cut it out, sir”—the accidental appendectomy patient.
Well, it is time for me to retire for the night. I hope that you enjoyed yourself while taking my examination and that you were able to guess the correct answers. Re-read the rules, please, ladies and gentlemen, and then post your answers here and also on your own blog, giving a link back to my grammar lesson. Once, again, I think Ms. BeckyJoie for allowing me to have time and space on her webpage. Until next time, my companions….