Character development is important to writing a believable story. You have to know who the people are to write it well. Here is a sample character resume. I don't remember where I found it but it has been in my files and I've used it for quite some time. It's been helpful even when developing the puppet characters for Kind Kids Curriculum. When writing children's literature, some things don't apply. Just use what you need to to figure out the personalities and toss the rest.
Character Resume
Address & Phone Number:
Date & Place of Birth:
Height/Weight/Physical Description:
Citizenship/Ethnic Origin:
Parents' Names & Occupations:
Other Family Members:
Spouse or Lover:
Friends' Names & Occupations:
Social Class:
Social Class:
Community Status:
Job-Related Skills:
Political Beliefs/Affiliations:
Personal Qualities (imagination, taste, etc.):
Sense of Humor:
Most Painful Setback/Disappointment:
Most Instructive/Meaningful Experience:
Health/Physical Condition/Distinguishing Marks/Disabilities:
Sexual Orientation/Experience/Values:
Tastes in food, drink, art, music, literature, decor, clothing:
Attitude toward Life:
Attitude toward Death:
Philosophy of Life (in a phrase):