Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Getting To Know You, Getting to Know All About You

In honor of a song from one of my favorite musicals, The King and I, "Getting to Know You", today's post will be a just- for-fun-game.

This was also inspired by my writer and speaker friend, JoJo Tabares, from Art of Eloquence and Communication FUNdamentals http://artofeloquence.com/blog/.

The way the game works is that you post your answers on my blog(s) and and then come up with your own questions to post on your blog or website. This will enable us to get to know one another better. I can't wait to see what questions you all create for yourselves.

1. What is the name of my work in progress fictional novel?

2. What are my two other blogs called?

3. What talk show program that I listen to online airs on Thursday mornings?

4. What writing "job" have I recently undertaken which will also benefit my family?

5. What part of my body recently became unreliable?

6. What sport do I reference as being like training multiple children?

7. What did I call a dangerous game?

8. What two people or people groups did I say were important to a writer?

9. What frequent topic that I write about can affect how you view your life?

10. Where can I find your "Getting To Know You" Questions?

TAG! You are it now.


JoJo Tabares said...

1. Calling Him Lord
2. Lead Learners and The Learning Home
3. Would that be Grace Talk Soup?
4. Reviewing curricula for TOS
5. ?
6. Basketball? From your post on Spunky Dunky's Day?
7. I couldn't find that one.
8. Editors and?
9. Learning?

I had fun reading to look for the answers too!

BeckyJoie said...

JoJo, Thank you. You did quite well. The real answers are found on both this and the Leaders In Learning blogs.

You were correct on most of them and so quick to find the answers.

Here are the differences. 5.I recently broke a toe on my left foot along with chipping a bone. I'm living life swinging from crutches. 6. On my Leaders in Learning blog, I mention that I am playing Ping Pong with my children. What I meant was that I was juggling the responsibilities of teaching them and giving them each individual time. 7.The dangerous game was that of assumption. it can be fatal to relationships and unnecessarily.8. Editors and critique groups. 9.Our focus and ability to focus affects our perspective.